Lots of happenings in our neck of the woods this summer. Blake "graduated" from his first year of preschool and I have pictures, but they are on Adam's phone, so I can't access them at this time. Our camera went to the crapper and we haven't gotten a new one yet, so all pictures are taken with our phones. Thank Heavens for technology.
Anyhoo, Adam and I celebrated 7 blissful years of marriage on the 14th, and this year we decided instead of ditching our kids the whole time we celebrated, we would take them with us for part of it. Adam made reservations at the Arizona Grand Resort and we had a wonderful time as a family.
This is the view of the big water park they had right outside our hotel room, complete with 2 huge water slides, lazy river, wave pool, regular pool, toddler pool, and splash pad. Ya, it was awesome. We stayed at the toddler pool most of the time because the boys we just having a ball.
For some reason, everywhere we go, one or both Adam and I will see someone we know. Well there was no exception this time, a friend of mine from Junior High was working when we showed up and she lovingly supplied our hyper boys with more sugar! They were in love with their Icees and we were even more excited that we didn't have to pay 7 bucks each for them. (Hotels are ridiculous) Thanks Jessica!
After partying all day at the pool, we were all tuckered out, so we got in our jammies and vegged on the pull out couch until Adam decided last minute to take the boys to the Sea Life Aquarium at AZ Mills. I was literally falling asleep on the bed when he said lets go!
So quickly did he decide to go, that I had to get dressed and rush out the door, the boys stayed in their jammies and I am sportin a no makeup look, but it really didn't matter, they had so much fun and that was the point!
Ya, this is a tunnel completely surrounded by water, and I am not going to lie, I was breathing hard walking through it. I am extremely claustrophobic, and my worst fear is drowning, and then add in sharks and stingrays in the water, I was freaking out a little. The boys as you can see couldn't care less and sure did lay on the floor while people were trying to walk through.
The boys enjoying the Stingrays and the Hammerhead sharks.
If any of you know Blake, you know that he LOVES water animals. He can tell you the difference between whales, can name a lot of the different sharks, fascinated by stingrays, and always wants to talk about fish. He kept telling us that he was hugging the stingrays through the glass. It was so cute. The other day while we were in the car driving (kids always say the funniest things in the car) Blake told me, "Mommy, when I grow up and turn into a fish, I am going to make sure I have a stinger on my bum." To which Kade replied "Bumblebees have stingers too! I'll be one of those." Totally random but made me laugh so hard. Gotta love the randomness of children's brains. We had a lovely time for our anniversary, and I am so glad we spent it as a family. I am so thankful for the crazy life we have together. My husband is amazing, and I could not be happier. I never believed it when people told me that I would love my husband more the longer we were married because I thought I loved him with all of my capacity, and at the time I did. But my how your heart grows each year and each time you add a child to the family. The Lord sure has blessed us immensely in our marriage, and I often wonder how I got so lucky. I love you baby, Happy 7 years! I can't wait for the rest of Eternity.