Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Life Is About Makin Fun

Sunday night we had a little superman fun. Just thought you would like to know. I don't normally condone jumping on my couches, but for these cuties I let it slide just this once, and joined in the fun.

Last night for Family Home Evening our lesson was on our "bodies." We talked about how important they are and what good things we can put in our bodies. We asked Blake. "what is something good for our bodies that we eat?" Blake told us, "I know! Stuffed Shells! I like those mommy, and so does my tummy." Stuffed shells just so happens to be his favorite meal. I know what 3 year old loves that and not french fries (he hates those by the way)?

So anyway, as part of our lesson, we thought it would be fun to draw the kids on paper and let them color it while we talked about the importance of bodies. All in all, it was a good FHE. Sometimes I wonder if we are ever getting through to them with Family Home Evening and scripture reading, and then we have a good night where they both participate and I realize that it is working!!! They may not understand everything, but they are listening. Hallelujah!

Showing Kade how to color in his eyes. He then proceeded to tell daddy every body part that he saw. Precious.
Kade makin his hair all spiffy. He. Is. One. Handsome. Dude.
Blake coloring his fingernails. If you look closely you can see that he made his own huge eyes. I just love it.
It was so cute watching them color the different things on there outlines. Blake told us "daddy you didn't make my toenails!" so he then got down and drew them in. They looked like claws, but its cool.

EDIT: Ya so I forgot to flip the pictures sue me!


Anonymous said...

What a good idea, to let them color themselves! And to let them jump on your couch!? What an awesome mommey you are! haha How cute.

Sadie Graham said...

Sounds like you had a fun family home evening :) What a fun mother you are :)

Rushele said...

Very cute idea!! You guys are awesome!

Sadie Graham said...

Thouse pictures of Blake and Kade are awsome, they are like in mide air :) haha.

Kelli Proctor said...

you guys are the coolest parents! And I LOVE the Halloween costumes, wow, Adam really was creative on that one! But I am totally missing how he is Tom Hanks?! What the? The kids look darling! Who is that girl standing in the background of the pic with Adam and Aaron? I dont recognize her!