Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sounds I Love......

There are some things in my life that may be ordinary or not mean much to others, but I love them! These are just a few.........

-The sound of the laundry/garage door opening, telling me that Adam is home from work.

-Turning the page in a book I can't put down.

-A giggle from "the Crazies" when they are supposed to be in bed.

-A deep belly laugh for no reason at all.

-The shower turning on after a long run.

-The voice of an old friend I haven't talk to in awhile.

-A "Hi Mommy" from "the crazies" when they wake up

-"I love you Mommy"

-"You're my favorite Mommy"

-A whisper of "I love you" in my ear from my husband before he leaves for work.

-The sound of........silence, telling me that we survived another day and "the crazies" are resting peacefully.


Rushele said...

Ah, the sound of silence....truly is golden!!!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I love finding the little things in life that make us smile!

One of mine is fresh out of the toaster whole wheat toast! Yum!