So I am not a big fan of Halloween. Don't get me wrong, I love dressing my kiddos up and love all the free candy, I just don't like the "let's scare your kids so they are up half the night too afraid to go to sleep." I don't like feeling scared, so I can only imagine how little kids handle it. You know?
Anywho, with all that said, I love how excited the boys got this year. They are both old enough to go "Trick or Treating" so we finally got to go and have fun the whole time! Woo hoo!! So here they are in all their glory. Blake is Buzz, and Kade is Woody. They looked so cute I just wanted to bite them (but I didn't, I promise) :)
Anywho, with all that said, I love how excited the boys got this year. They are both old enough to go "Trick or Treating" so we finally got to go and have fun the whole time! Woo hoo!! So here they are in all their glory. Blake is Buzz, and Kade is Woody. They looked so cute I just wanted to bite them (but I didn't, I promise) :)
They walked up to the door and said "trick or treat" all by themselves and then came running back to us telling us that they got more candy. Then they would turn and yell "THANK YOU!" They did this at EVERY house, it was so precious.
On Friday, our family had a costume party and we all had to dress up. Adam and I didn't want to spend extra money on a costume so we decided that we would have to find something around the house or borrow one. So I was lame and decided the easiest thing to be was a cow girl. My friend Jen had these rad red cowgirl boots, so I was rockin those (no pic sorry). Everyone complimented the boots Jen Thanks!!!
My husband on the other hand, decided not to borrow one. He decided that he would find something at home, and I must say it was........awesome. I won't spoil it for you I will just let you scroll on down and see the before and after pics...........Enjoy
He decided that he would be Tom Hanks from the movie Big. Yah those are Blake's pajamas, and he sure did stretch them to the max putting them on. I don't know that Blake will be able to wear them now. I wish we had a better front picture of him in it, but you can imagine I'm sure. The best part was that he stayed in the robe all night until the contest, and then just ripped the robe off and shocked everyone, it was HI-larious. My husband rocks. End of story.
Happy Halloween!
He decided that he would be Tom Hanks from the movie Big. Yah those are Blake's pajamas, and he sure did stretch them to the max putting them on. I don't know that Blake will be able to wear them now. I wish we had a better front picture of him in it, but you can imagine I'm sure. The best part was that he stayed in the robe all night until the contest, and then just ripped the robe off and shocked everyone, it was HI-larious. My husband rocks. End of story.
Happy Halloween!
Your hubby is HI-LARIOUSE Nicole, like he totally made the Halloween party and gave us all a big laugh but its a good thing he dosn't get embbaress he just plays along and makes us all laugh even harder with all the posing. It was awsome,way to suprise everyone Adam :) Sure your wife loves you even more :) haha, just kidding.
Men't to say embarresed :)
Hey Sarah, do you remeber me?
Seriously I almost peed my pants laughing so hard...only Adam would be cool enough to pull that off. Loved it!! Hey Nicole could you ask your friend wear she got those killer red boots from?
That is awesome...and so Adam!!!
Poor Blake though, he just lost a pair of jammies!
I love the boys' costumes, so cute!!
I need a pic of you all decked out
Come to think of it, its so something Adam would do, but its HI-LARIOUSE :) haha
Ok, that is hilarious! and this is sad that this is the first time in a very LONG time that I have even seen your blog, or any blog for that matter. I love your posts! Your FHE stories are so cute! I'm glad you guys had fun, I was sad that you couldn't come to our Halloween party, but I can see that you guys had fun, so I understand. ;0) Anyway, I do miss you, and I'm sorry that I'm not much of a friend lately, I do love you! I'll try to call you once the kiddos go down tonight. Love ya man!
変わってるって言われるけどわりといい人だよ(笑)!!お笑い好きな人だったら話盛り上がりそうだねO(≧▽≦)O 色んなことに興味深々でおっちょこちょいだからそばで支えてくれる人募集中σ(゜-^*)自分の年齢的に年下の男の子はアウトだからごめんね(*_ _)人
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宝塚記念 2010 予想データから完全攻略!出走馬 枠順などからはじきだすデータは最強!これで平成22年の宝塚記念はもらったも同然!波乱の展開もあり
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